Thursday, March 20, 2008

Week 5 - Digital Media and Learning

With more young people playing video games (like Sim City) that enable them to create new places to live and work in. They are learning in ways we never thought about before in school. When they find that what they need or want is not already available, they set out to create what it is that they need.
  • According to Forrester Research's most recent North American COnsumer Technology Adoption Study, people ages 18 to 26 spend mre time online that wathching TV and are adopting new technology faster that any other generation. Because of that, they tend to be ore receptive to blog, podcast and mobile-web ads. (Connecting the Dots, 2006)

We as educators that may not have grown up with technology at our fingertips need to be willing to explore and become engaged in using technology with our students to help keep them growing and learning in the classroom as well as when they finish "school".

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